Your brakes are likely the second most important system on your car, truck or SUV (unless you’re already moving!!) and as such it requires regular inspection and maintenance. Actually, your braking system requires the use of several systems to be able to slow your vehicle to a stop. That’s why it is so important to use the highest quality parts, and the best available practices to make certain your vehicle is safe for your family and others on the road.
At 53 Auto Repair, we use only the best quality parts for brake service and repair. Our ASC mechanics will precision machine (or replace) your rotors and/or brake drums as part of your service, and will clean, lubricate and inspect all brake parts to be sure they function properly. We’ll even adjust your parking brake if indicated. Whatever the diagnosis indicates, you’ll get the best possible care in your vehicle repair.
As your Wichita service partner, you know we put every possible effort in repairing or servicing your vehicle to be the best it can be. Call us for an appointment at (316) 867-2053, or stop in (if you can!) at 145 S Pattie St and let 53 Auto Repair put a STOP to your braking issues!